Sex Scene!

Be forewarned: this is not exactly graphic but it involves rather open description of the act of sex between two (fictional) adults.

I am nearly done with the novel, this being one of the last events before I type The End.

And an epilogue.

Anyway, here’s the excerpt.

“We’ll be done with this soon enough.” I saw through her and met with the only lust which matched my own and leaned her backwards onto the stones beneath the tree. I removed my breeches, then her dress. Her flesh would have been appealing if it were not for the evil which simmered just beyond it. I mounted and entered her, noting without enjoyment sensations that should have been kept far from her. As our rhythm rose to meet the pulsing beat of the Tree, the few fragments of myself left shuddered and crumbled, leaving only Suhira and my destitute, pathetic soul to witness this desecration.

Every thrust pulled me deeper into a certainty that I find difficult to describe. Perhaps it is the nature of such acts that they should reveal more about someone than one could ever know without them, or perhaps the meeting of such terrible forces engendered a kind of knowing that goes beyond that of anything I’ve known before or since. Regardless the Queen writhed beneath me, her clutching hands on the small of my back barely noticed in their scratching as her nature jolted into mine.

To know her is to name each of the infinite gradations of black and gray. To look into her eyes is to see beyond all vice into a destruction complete within itself; eternal existence dedicated to complete annihilation of all else. It could be said that she is evil. It is perhaps better to say that she is the consummate dissatisfaction of pure darkness, shadow married with volition and enabled by power beyond the consideration of mortal minds. All of this became clear as loveless limbs mashed and flapped against lustless flesh. Only the searing fire of the thirst and hunger within our souls drove us to this perversion.

‘Love Interest’ Does Not Mean She’s Going to Live

My chest lifted of its own accord, responding to something it hadn’t felt before. Mutual attraction used to be quite a strange concept to me. It is still strange for me now, though quite a bit less foreign. Roka returned with tea, and we lapsed back into enjoying the natural world as we fixed our cups and drank. Alana sighed longingly, staring far past the foothills and plains reclining for her attentions.

“I love this land, Vorin. It has always called to me. I know that you feel the same about your land. People like us have a certain quality about them that you can’t find in everyone else.” She turned her head to me, revealing herself before me, opening her mind in perfect vulnerability. “I call it purity.”


The story continues frantically on as I try to finish the manuscript by the time that publishing opportunity deadlines come to pass. My collaborator doesn’t want Alana to die, but chances are good. We’ll see…

Oh, to Drive the Protagonist Mad

“You made the right decision, King Vorin.” I could not bear to look at her, preferring to push past her into my room, closing the door decisively in her gloating face. Even my anger had tired itself, fluttering limply somewhere deep below my perception, its pathetic mewling floating through the desolate landscape within. I dismissed Don before he could open his mouth, insisting that he return with dinner when evening fell. As he took his bowing leave I noticed that it was growing late in the afternoon. I sighed and removed my clothes along the way to the bathroom, drew myself a bath and resolved to dissolve into the warmth of the water until nothing was left of the King.


55209 says the word count, securing the achievement of NaNoWriMo 2013, the first victory in four years of participating.
It feels pretty good, but the story is far from over.
We press on.

Day 22 Excerpt and Determined Exhaustion

Noon approached as we reached the height of the pass. We set down for a brief moment to allow the Ubilaz to summon forth food. Looking west I saw the splendor of my land laid out before me, rippling in brightness of the sun and the drifting shadows of the few clouds overhead. To the west I beheld Tiashi, its beauty stark from the harsh foothills and hard contours of streams cutting infinitesimal bites from the living stone. I embrace the heavy poignancy of the moment as we consumed our lunch with haste and continued on, leaving the thin air of the pass in our descent into the uncompromising land which confirmed my unknown fate.


38822/50000 on Day 22, and the weariness is setting in. Nonetheless, I have a story to finish that will exceed 50,000 words easily.
No rest for the wicked writers…

Day 16 Excerpt from National Novel Writing Month

We came in sight of the gate to the palace wall, the rebels turning and bristling with spears. Their eyes were wild before our inevitable approach. Rallying cries swept through the rebel group, the elderly standing beside the youth. Every able-bodied citizen that could be spared was engaged trying to breach the wall to the palace. Four soldiers stayed at the front of the procession as the rest formed a wall to either side of us. The Ubilaz surrounded us in an additional shield, still maintaining the protection of the Power in response to the missiles still lobbed by the crowd. I could see the fear of the citizens directly in our path, and admired their bravery in the face of almost certain demise. I remember them now with pity.


Speech Before the Rumbling Masses

National Novel Writing Month Day 7 dawns with the closing of chapter 2 and the beginning of the headlong rush into destiny for Vorin, our main character. Here’s a taste of his take on the day’s writing.

“My people. This man has taken from us our dignity. We, the people of Eldrhyn, who carry the legacy of our cherished land equally and without discrimination, have been bereaved of the joy which comes from growth and change. It is said that each man and woman must be free to pursue their passions and desires. It is said that each man and woman must reap the fruits of their harvest exclusively, and with pride. It is said that each man and woman must come together as one to ensure these aims. I do not disagree.” I looked at each face in turn. “Did you think that we, the Nobles charged with the caring of this land and its people, would turn away from the desires of the people? Did you attempt to deceive us because we have demonstrated ill intent towards your passions and dreams? Did you think we would condemn the waning of our influence in order that you may learn to govern yourselves? We are stewards, and we bear the same legacy in all of its responsibility and glory that this land provides. That legacy dictates that we are to be above the use of secrecy and violence, that you, the people who we are charged by the gods to protect and help to thrive, are to voice your needs and desires and that we, your servants from time unfathomable, are to listen and act in your best interest.” My voice was steady and strong. “You have allowed this man to disrupt the ways of our land. You have allowed him to tarnish our honor. I do not like who we have become.”

11710/50000 and going strong.

Day 6 Madness and an Excerpt

The thrill stuck me, as it strikes me now, of stepping beyond the permissible in order to satiate my thirst for these enigmas. Greedily though I may have eyed these treasures I restrained my lusts, turning them to blast their abrasion at this most current mystery. Moment after moment passed, each filled with the clatter and clacking of my mind’s connections growing more intricate and immense, the pace increasing until a crescendo of totality struck me to the ground. It was as if the whole of my life until then had been lived only looking forward, behind, and to each side, and only on that day had I considered looking upwards.



And Upon the Fifth Day Was Created Plot Progression

Chugging away and around 900 words behind the daily pace. Not to be done in, my second wind should kick in here shortly.
Here’s an excerpt!

Father spoke with the unmistakable heft of power being withheld. “We will not increase our defenses to our home. We will not expand the forces of war I have spent my life decreasing.” Cracks and pops across my field of vision indicated Father’s conviction. “If, and I say again, if there is a threat it will be dealt with when it arises. My people harbor notions of forging past tradition. So be it. I have no reason to distrust my people nor will I entertain the notion. This conversation is over.” Barely contained, he dismissed both of us with a force beyond the jerk of his hand. Ziaris and I bowed and exited, leaving Father brooding and worn, his hand affirming the lines on his face.


My NaNoWriMo username is AustinWMoss.
We should be buddies.

NaNoWriMo Day 4 Excerpt

“My son, it is a difficult joy to pass on what is precious to me. I do not think you understand yet, but perhaps I can help you to see.” I leaned forward, not offering the disrespect of hiding the hunger in my frame. “You are eager to step into my realm, the realm of our forefathers. It is a mighty burden. To watch your people grow to forget your passion and love is a sadness, equal to the sadness of a despotic king. Even as I walk the path of letting go what I have nurtured and fostered I must carry the delicate work of change. Do you see how delicate it is? I see that you do not. Your passion, your love, your knowledge and skill will change this land and dictate its path. So also the passion, love, knowledge, and skill of our people will change you and dictate your path. How should a father feel passing onto his son an inheritance of uncertainty? Should this not also be a certain joy?”


6,727 out of 50,000 words down. I may have some more poetry later in the day, but for now a break to take a walk in the mountains should set me right.
If you want to add me as a writing buddy my NaNoWriMo username is AustinWMoss.

New and Improved NaNoWriMo Synopsis

If you’d like to swap tales and encourage each other along the blessed Month of Novel Writing, my username is AustinWMoss.
I look forward to seeing us all succeed!
Here’s my synopsis:

Vorin led a life of idyllic certainty. Son of a Noble, heir to the throne, and blessed with the intelligence and wisdom of generations of learning, Vorin’s path seems clear until a coup slaughters his family and forces him to face the decisions of a King while he still learns to be a Prince.
After reaching out to foreign alliances, he is plunged into a world of shifting agreements and well-disguised deception as Amyahn Iliri, Mystic Queen of neighboring Tiashi guides him down the path of twisted power. In the midst of this miasma of circumstance and influence Vorin must learn to control the twin responsibilities to Self and to his people, all the while coming to terms with the powers he possesses by blood.
The actions of his path could prevent another Great War, or they could ignite it afresh. All rests in the choices of a young man set to a destiny which seems impossible to fulfill.