Day 22 Excerpt and Determined Exhaustion

Noon approached as we reached the height of the pass. We set down for a brief moment to allow the Ubilaz to summon forth food. Looking west I saw the splendor of my land laid out before me, rippling in brightness of the sun and the drifting shadows of the few clouds overhead. To the west I beheld Tiashi, its beauty stark from the harsh foothills and hard contours of streams cutting infinitesimal bites from the living stone. I embrace the heavy poignancy of the moment as we consumed our lunch with haste and continued on, leaving the thin air of the pass in our descent into the uncompromising land which confirmed my unknown fate.


38822/50000 on Day 22, and the weariness is setting in. Nonetheless, I have a story to finish that will exceed 50,000 words easily.
No rest for the wicked writers…